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  • Updated:

    May 30, 2023

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    Digital Melody Games

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  • Updated:

    May 30, 2023

  • File Size:

    243.9 MB

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    Digital Melody Games

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How To Play

Timberman is a simple yet addictive mobile game that challenges players to chop down trees as quickly as possible while avoiding branches. With its straightforward gameplay and retro pixel art style, it has gained a dedicated following. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the game's mechanics, offer strategic tips and tricks, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and highlight the key features that make Timberman a standout title.

Timberman's gameplay revolves around a simple premise: chop down trees while avoiding branches. Here are the core mechanics and basics:

Character selection: Players can choose from a variety of characters, each with their own unique appearance and personality.

Chopping trees: The primary objective is to chop down trees by tapping the screen as quickly as possible. Each tap represents a swing of the axe.

Branch avoidance: While chopping trees, players must also avoid branches that randomly appear on either side of the tree trunk. Hitting a branch costs valuable time and can lead to failure.

Game modes: Timberman offers several game modes, including Classic, Hero, Race, and Multiplayer, each with its own unique challenges.

Leaderboards: The game tracks high scores, encouraging competition among players to climb the global leaderboards.

Success in Timberman requires swift reflexes and precision. Here are some tips and strategies to help you improve your Timberman skills:

Practice timing: The key to success is mastering the timing of your taps. Find a rhythm that works for you, but be ready to adapt to the changing speed of the falling tree.

Peripheral vision: Keep an eye on the sides of the screen for incoming branches. Developing good peripheral vision is essential to avoid mistakes.

Short taps: Instead of holding down the screen, use short, quick taps for chopping. This allows for faster response to branches.

Character selection: Experiment with different characters. Some may have animations that make it easier to spot branches, while others might simply suit your personal preference.

Stay calm: Avoid panicking when the tree starts falling faster. Maintaining a steady hand and focus is crucial to achieving high scores.

Learn the patterns: In Classic mode, trees tend to follow specific patterns. Learning these patterns can help you anticipate where branches might appear.

Hero mode: In Hero mode, each character has unique abilities. Experiment with different characters to find the one that complements your playstyle.

Multiplayer: In multiplayer mode, focus on outlasting your opponent rather than rushing to chop the tree. A slow and steady approach can often lead to victory.

Timberman offers a straightforward yet engaging experience, but it also has its strengths and weaknesses:


Addictive gameplay: Timberman's simple yet challenging gameplay makes it highly addictive, keeping players engaged for quick sessions or extended play.

Quick sessions: The game is perfect for short gaming sessions when you have a few minutes to spare, making it an excellent choice for mobile gaming.

Leaderboards: The competitive element of trying to top the global leaderboards adds replayability and encourages players to keep honing their skills.

Variety of game modes: Timberman offers a range of game modes, from the classic chopping experience to Hero mode and multiplayer, providing diverse challenges.


Repetitive: Some players may find the gameplay to be repetitive over time, as the core objective remains the same.

Limited depth: While it's easy to pick up, Timberman lacks the depth and complexity found in many other mobile games.

Microtransactions: The game features ads and microtransactions, which can be distracting or frustrating for some players.

Timberman stands out in the mobile gaming landscape for several reasons:

Simple yet challenging: The game's simplicity is its greatest strength. It's easy to understand and play, but it offers a level of challenge that keeps players coming back for more.

Character variety: Timberman's wide selection of characters adds a fun and customizable element to the game, allowing players to choose their favorite avatar.

Quick gaming sessions: Timberman is designed for quick, on-the-go gaming sessions, making it ideal for those moments when you have a few minutes to spare.

Competitive edge: The global leaderboards and multiplayer mode promote friendly competition among players, encouraging them to continually improve their skills.

Nostalgic pixel art: The retro pixel art style appeals to gamers who appreciate a touch of nostalgia and simplicity in their gaming experiences.

In conclusion, Timberman offers a straightforward yet highly addictive gaming experience that is perfect for quick sessions or competitive challenges. While it may not have the depth of more complex mobile games, its simplicity, character variety, and competitive elements make it a standout title in the world of casual mobile gaming. Whether you're looking to kill a few minutes or climb the global leaderboards, Timberman is a game that's worth trying out.
