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Getting Over It

Getting Over It

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  • Updated:

    May 25, 2023

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  • Developer:

    Bennett Foddy

  • Category:


  • Platform:


  • Updated:

    July 26, 2021

  • File Size:


  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Bennett Foddy

  • Category:




How To Play

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a challenging and unconventional indie game that tests players' patience, precision, and perseverance. Developed by Bennett Foddy, the game is known for its unique and sometimes frustrating gameplay mechanics, as well as its distinctive visual style and philosophical narration.

In Getting Over It, players assume the role of a man named Diogenes, who is stuck in a large cauldron and equipped with a hammer. The goal of the game is deceptively simple: to climb a treacherous mountain using only the hammer as a tool. However, the mechanics and physics of the game make this task incredibly difficult, leading to moments of both triumph and frustration.

The gameplay in Getting Over It revolves around using the mouse or controller to manipulate the hammer and move Diogenes around the environment. Players must carefully swing the hammer to grab onto ledges, rocks, and other objects in order to propel themselves upwards. The challenge lies in the intentionally awkward and imprecise controls, which require players to master the physics and momentum of each swing.

The game's physics-based mechanics add to the complexity and frustration of the gameplay. Players must carefully gauge the strength and angle of each swing to achieve the desired movement. It requires a delicate balance of finesse and control to avoid slipping or losing progress. Small mistakes can result in significant setbacks, often forcing players to repeat sections they had previously conquered.

The mountain in Getting Over It is filled with challenging obstacles, such as narrow ledges, steep slopes, and precarious structures. Players must navigate these obstacles with precision and patience, strategizing their movements to avoid pitfalls and maintain progress. The game encourages trial and error, as each failed attempt serves as a lesson to improve and adapt strategies.

One of the defining aspects of Getting Over It is the narrator's voiceover, provided by Bennett Foddy himself. The narrator delivers philosophical musings and insightful commentary, adding a layer of introspection and reflection to the gameplay experience. These narrations often serve to motivate and inspire players, urging them to persist despite the frustrating setbacks.

Getting Over It is known for its unforgiving nature, challenging players to overcome their own limitations and develop a resilient mindset. The game intentionally tests players' patience and ability to cope with failure. It rewards perseverance and determination, as players gradually improve their skills and make progress up the mountain.

While the core objective of the game is to reach the summit of the mountain, Getting Over It doesn't emphasize traditional success or completion. Instead, it focuses on the journey itself, highlighting the process of overcoming obstacles and the personal growth that comes from perseverance. The game's challenging nature is meant to evoke a range of emotions, from frustration and anger to elation and satisfaction.

In addition to the main game, Getting Over It also features a "New Game Plus" mode that allows players to start again from the beginning with increased difficulty. This mode introduces new obstacles and changes to the environment, providing a fresh and even more challenging experience for those seeking an extra level of difficulty.

The visuals of Getting Over It are minimalistic yet distinct. The game features a combination of 2D and 3D graphics, with a surreal and dreamlike art style. The simplicity of the visuals allows players to focus on the mechanics and challenges without distractions, while the atmospheric sound design complements the experience, emphasizing the solitude and intensity of the mountain climb.

Getting Over It is a game that tests players' patience, determination, and resilience. Its unique gameplay mechanics, challenging physics, and philosophical narration create an experience that is as frustrating as it is rewarding. Whether players conquer the mountain or not, the game's emphasis on personal growth and the journey itself makes it a memorable and thought-provoking experience for those willing to take on the challenge.
