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War and Order

War and Order

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  • Updated:

    June 20, 2023

  • File Size:

    498.8 MB

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  • Updated:

    Jun 21, 2023

  • File Size:

    498.8 MB

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How To Play

War and Order is a popular mobile strategy game that combines elements of city-building, resource management, and real-time battles. It offers a variety of functional content that players can engage with to enhance their gaming experience. In this guide, we will explore some of the main functional contents in War and Order and provide a brief overview of how to play each one.

City Building:

City building is the core aspect of War and Order, where players construct and expand their own cities. The goal is to develop a prosperous and well-defended city that can withstand attacks from other players. To play this content, you need to construct various buildings, upgrade them to unlock new features and units, gather resources, and strategically allocate them to different tasks.


The research system allows players to unlock new technologies that provide significant advantages in battles and resource management. Through research, you can enhance your troops' combat abilities, increase resource production, and unlock new buildings and units. To play this content, navigate to the research building, select a technology to study, and allocate resources and time to complete the research.

Troop Training:

Troop training is crucial for building a powerful army capable of defending your city and conquering others. In this content, you recruit and train various types of troops, each with its strengths and weaknesses. To play this content, you need to build barracks, select the types and quantities of troops to train, and allocate resources and time for their training. It's important to maintain a balanced army composition to counter different threats effectively.


Joining or creating an alliance allows players to collaborate with others, participate in group activities, and gain support in times of need. To play this content, search for alliances or create your own, communicate with alliance members through chat, contribute resources to alliance projects, and participate in alliance wars or events. Working together with your alliance can significantly boost your progress in the game.

PvP Battles:

Engaging in player-versus-player (PvP) battles is a thrilling aspect of War and Order. Players can attack and raid other cities to steal resources, earn rewards, and establish dominance. To play this content, scout enemy cities to gather intelligence, strategize your attack, assemble your troops, and initiate a battle. Proper troop deployment and tactical decision-making are key to achieving victory in PvP battles.

PvE Campaigns:

The game also offers a variety of player-versus-environment (PvE) campaigns that provide challenges and rewards. These campaigns feature AI-controlled opponents and allow players to test their strategies and earn valuable resources and items. To play this content, access the campaign map, select a mission, deploy your troops, and complete the objectives while minimizing casualties.

Events and Quests:

War and Order frequently organizes special events and quests that provide additional rewards and unique challenges. These events often have limited-time objectives, and successful participation can yield rare items and resources. To play this content, stay updated on the event schedule, complete the assigned tasks within the specified time frame, and claim your rewards.

It's important to note that War and Order is a dynamic game, and new functional content may be introduced through updates. The gameplay experience may vary depending on your play style, preferences, and interaction with other players.

In conclusion, War and Order offers a range of functional content that caters to different aspects of gameplay, including city building, research, troop training, alliance cooperation, PvP battles, PvE campaigns, and participation in events and quests. By mastering each of these contents, you can establish a formidable city, build a powerful army, and become a dominant force in the game.
